
Our service offering is all geared towards helping your business select, implement and get the best value for money from an ERP solution. We are not aligned to any particular vendor but

Selection Framework

Is your organisation considering moving to an ERP solution?

Are inefficient processes making it difficult for your finance team to keep up with your businesses fast paced growth? Does your business operate across numerous currency zones? Have you lost faith in your month end consolidation process?

If you are answering yes to these questions then you should talk to us about the benefits your business will realise from investing in an ERP system. If you believe an ERP will provide sufficient ROI the question is which ERP will be the best fit for your business?

The answer to this will depend on your businesses unique characteristics, your products, how your charge customers and generate revenue streams. As well as process efficiency, cost and value for money are also big drivers for our customers when selecting an ERP.

Our selection process is aimed at firstly identifying our clients’ requirements and then identifying the ERP that will best fulfil them. We use a detailed questionnaire to compare system attributes allowing clients to compare different systems and advising them where necessary.


Once you have selected your ERP partner, we can provide a full-service implementation.

We start by understanding your business and its current processes to arrive at an optimal system design for your organisation.

We manage the end-to-end implementation reducing risks to your business and taking pressure off key decision makers. With information supplied by the client we will configure your system, integrate bank accounts set up month end, revenue and purchasing processes.

Once configuration is done our process guides you through testing, data migration, cut-over and go live.

Project Management

We have many years project management experience, delivering ERP implementation projects on time and within budget.

Our PRINCE certified project managers have experience across many ERP systems and an understanding of the similarities but also intricacies of each.

From project initiation through to configuration, testing, cutover and go live we will guide your implementation as smoothly as possible through each stage.

data Migration

Moving your data to a new system can be incredibly complex and impacted by the availability and quality of source data.

We are experts in data migration applying the latest techniques to extract and cleanse data before preparing for import to your new ERP.

Our approach is to first, carry out a data audit. As part of this we apply our data framework approach to develop an initial view of your current data quality. We will talk your through the various datasets required, identify their sources and give you an idea of the work required to achieve optimal results post migration.

Our audit will give you details of your various data options transactional data v account level etc. It will also give an estimate of cleansing activities required including time and cost commitment.

NetSuite Optimisation

Have you gone live with NetSuite and you find it is not delivering the desired benefits to your business?

We work with NetSuite customers to make sure the system is optimised to their needs. More often than not we find that the client has gone with a rapid implementation and that its business processes have not been fully considered.


We can provide customisation solutions to take care of these issues including:

  • Customising your business processes to best fit NetSuite ways of working
  • Creating custom fields, forms and objects
  • Developing scheduled scripts for automated data processing
  • Developing user event scripts for real time validation
  • Designing portlets, RESTlets, Suitelets and custom workflows
  • Creating saved search reports, custom reports and workbooks

Oracle Optimisation

Is Oracle not quite working as you had intended?


Are you stuck with any elements of your Oracle Cloud implementation? Have you upgraded to cloud and are not seeing the expected benefits?


We can help with strategy and planning and identifying any issues in your config. Perhaps you have issues with customisations that have not been recreated properly or there are inherent issues with the architecture and design. Whatever the issues may be we can help to identify the root cause and come up with and deliver solutions to help you get the most out of your investment.


Do you feel like you are not realising the benefits you anticipated after go live?

Are your processes clunky with many imports and exports between the various platforms your business uses. Would your business benefit from building integrations between those platforms? If so, we can help.

Whether it is integrating salesforce to streamline your invoicing and revenue recognition processes or Stripe to automate your allocations process we are always happy to speak and give you more information about what is possible.

Benefits of integrations are many:

  • Save time be doing away with multiple uploads
  • Integrate transactional data allowing sales and purchase transactional data to flow easily to your ERP and financial reporting
  • Automate steps in your accounting process
  • Integrate standing data such as customers, products, accounts and more avoiding errors and seamlessly keeping both datasets aligned.
  • Enhance and speed up your departments reporting capabilities

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